
About Rafaela Kourva

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So far Rafaela Kourva has created 141 blog entries.

Why does it hurt when I ride the bike?


Most people cannot imagine that certain everyday activities such as riding the bike or taking a stroll with a scooter can be painful to some women. But why is that? There is a group of women who, when riding the bike or performing other kinds of exercise with pressure between the buttocks, feel an annoying – often unbearable – pain in the genitals area. Some believe it is normal and the only solution they can resort to is avoiding these activities. What they do not know is that intense pain is not normal – although common among a [...]

Why does it hurt when I ride the bike?2019-06-24T12:53:51+03:00

Are you facing urinary incontinence ?


In order to deal with the problem of urinary incontinence before it intensifies, it is important for you to educate yourself, so that you can learn how to deal with its symptoms, even when they are not severe. You may often consider that one or two unfortunate incidents of urinary incontinence are not linked with health issues and you tend to hide them, considering that it will not happen again. However, in order to make sure that you are not facing urinary incontinence, the best thing that you can do is to visit a specialized doctor. Through a [...]

Are you facing urinary incontinence ?2019-06-24T12:27:24+03:00

The operation that changed my life


The true story of Maria (her actual name has been changed for medical confidentiality reasons) who reveals how labiaplasty changed her life. When I was young, I had not realized that I was any different from other girls. I thought all women shared the same anatomy. Growing up and starting to have sexual relations, I remember a negative comment by the man who was to become my husband – that comment remained carved in my memory for over 27 years! Since then, I started to avoid having often sex with my husband. Whenever we slept together, I kept [...]

The operation that changed my life2019-06-24T12:10:04+03:00

A revolutionary method to increase the G SPOT


No other part of the human body has been surrounded by such great myth. We are talking about the G spot and the revolutionary method to increase it, and to bring sexual pleasure to new heights. An increasing number of sexually active women give themselves a gift, by increasing their G spot. It is a painless method, also followed by many famous women, in order to increase their sexual pleasure. How does it happen? Through this painless, revolutionary method, we can increase the size of the G spot by as much as 4 times, through injecting a specially [...]

A revolutionary method to increase the G SPOT2019-06-24T12:13:25+03:00

Antiaging for the intimate area


There are many things that a woman can do to hide years off her face. But what happens when she takes off her underwear? The traces of time can be ruthless when it comes to the genitals area, thus revealing her true age. Is there anything that she can do to help antiaging in that area? In order to fight skin or body aging and to delay aging signs, women use an array of specialized creams or they choose noninvasive as well as invasive therapies. But what happens with genitals? This area is also subject to aging, just [...]

Antiaging for the intimate area2020-04-24T13:03:59+03:00

My vagina feels loose


All women dealing with the issue of their vagina’s relaxation are aware that it is quite a difficult situation. A relaxed vagina is linked to various issues, such as incontinence and infections. Also, the resulting reduction in sexual pleasure directly affects psychology and self-esteem.To what is it due?As all organs in our body, our vagina too ‘gets old’. This is the greatest truth that we can trace as a reason for the vagina’s relaxation. As our face and our other muscles show relaxation, the same holds true of the vagina. The female vagina shows very often relaxation following 1 [...]

My vagina feels loose2019-06-21T17:22:13+03:00

Labiaplasty: The operation tearing bown taboos


Obstetrician Surgeon-Gynecologist Dr. Nikolaos Naoum, specializing in Cosmetic Gynecology, talks about the much-discussed Labiaplasty procedure and replies to all your questions. Doctor, what is Labiaplasty and which women usually resort to it? Our clinical experience shows that one out of two women presents some sort of deformity in the genitals area. It is a huge percentage to remain unobserved, even if a large part of women has learned to live with it until today! Labiaplasty is the operation assisting us to restore any deformity in the area, so that the final result is precisely what the woman wants. [...]

Labiaplasty: The operation tearing bown taboos2019-06-21T16:57:26+03:00
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