Case 1

This is a Greek female patient, 22yo, living abroad who presented in our Clinic for assessment at October of 2018. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophic Labia Minora that caused her intense discomfort during her daily routine. She was surgically handled with a Labiaplasty. After 40 days, patient was in good health reporting great satisfaction in the overall aesthetic result obtained.


Case 2

This case refers to a 24 yo female patient from the Greek countryside who underwent Labiaplasty during her visit in Athens after clinical assessment in our Clinic. Examination revealed hypertrophic and asymmetrical labia Minora that they were surgically reduced. At the first follow-up visit, 60 days post-surgery, the patient was in good health reporting full recovery.


Case 3

Here we present a case of a 26 yo female patient who presented to our clinic for assessment. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, one month post-surgery, the patient was in good health reporting great satisfaction in the overall aesthetic result obtained.


Case 4

This case refers to a female patient, 28yo, who presented in our clinic for assessment at May of 2018. Her major complain was the appearance external genitalia for which she was dissatisfied. She felt she was judged about her genital appearance by her partner and she felt that they were «huge». Clinical examination revealed labial hypertrophy and she was scheduled for Labiaplasty. At the first follow-up visit, 35 days post-surgery, the patient claimed she was fully satisfied with the result, while clinically the genital anatomy was restored.


Case 5

This case refers to a female patient, 19yo, who presented in our clinic for assessment.
Her major complain was the appearance external genitalia for which she was dissatisfied. Clinical examination revealed labial hypertrophy and she was scheduled for Labiaplasty. At the first follow-up visit, 20 days post-surgery, the patient claimed she was fully satisfied with the result, while clinically the genital anatomy was restore.


Case 6

This case refers to a 19-year-old woman who came to our Clinic for examination. The main problem, which caused her great dissatisfaction and annoyance, was the appearance of her external genitalia. During the clinical evaluation, hypertrophy was found in the small lips of the vulva and he underwent Vaginoplasty. At the first postoperative visit, 20 days after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 7

The patient, a woman born in 1970, presented in our clinic complained about an unusual look of the genital area that was bothersome to her and felt embarrassed to be nude in front of her boyfriend. Upon examination, the patient had hypertrophic labia minora and she was scheduled for Labiaplasty for resulting less protrusion of the labia minora on the standing view to improve body image. At the first follow-up visit, 60 days post-surgery, was in good health reporting full recovery.


Case 8

Here we present a case of a 30 yo female patient who presented to our clinic for assessment. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, one month post-surgery, the patient was in good health reporting great satisfaction in the overall aesthetic result obtained.


Case 9

Here we present a case of a 40 yo female patient who presented to our clinic for assessment. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, one month post-surgery, the patient was in good health reporting great satisfaction in the overall aesthetic result obtained.


Case 10

Here we present a case of a 23 years old female patient who presented to our clinic for assessment. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the right Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, one-month post-surgery, the patient was in good health reporting great satisfaction in the overall aesthetic result obtained.


Case 11

In January 2020 a 26-year-old patient referred to our clinical client for clinical examination. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy and asymmetry of the Labia Minora lips was revealed. The area was subjected to a reduction procedure to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit, 20 days after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 12

Ιn the context of social outreach and briefing on problems affecting women, the following case was considered to our clinic, a 36-year-old woman for clinical examination. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy and asymmetry of the Labia Minora lips was revealed. The area was subjected to a reduction procedure to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit, 20 days after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 13

In January 2020 a 35 years old clinical client referred to our clinic for clinical examination. After the necessary clinical examination, asymmetry of the Labia Minora and malformation of the clitoris were revealed which contribute to decreased sexual sensitivity and even discomfort during special moments. The small lips were subjected to a reduction procedure and we curry out a clitoral hoodectomy to restore the vaginal area. On the first postoperative visit, 30 days after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 14

In January 2020 a 39 years old clinical client referred to our clinic for clinical examination. After the necessary clinical examination, asymmetry of the Labia Minora and malformation of the clitoris were revealed which contribute to decreased sexual sensitivity and even discomfort during special moments.  We curry out corrective Labiaplasty combined with hoodectomy to restore vaginal area. On the first postoperative visit, 30 days after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Περιστατικό 15

Τον Φεβρουάριο του 2020 προσήλθε στην κλινική μας κυρία 42 ετών για κλινική εξέταση. Έπειτα από τον απαραίτητο κλινικό έλεγχο, διαπιστώθηκε υπερτροφία  και ασυμμετρία των μικρών χειλέων αιδοίου , χαλάρωση κόλπου καθώς και βλάβη του περινέου. Αναφέρθηκε, επίσης, εργώδης φυσιολογικός τοκετός με εμβρυουλκία. Η βλάβη του περινέου προκαλούσε δυσφορία κατά τη συνουσία, χαλαρούς μύες , προβλήματα στην λειτουργία της ούρησης και ήπια ακράτεια. Υπεβλήθη σε Περινεοπλαστική, Κολποπλαστική και Αιδιοπλαστική. Στην πρώτη μετεγχειρητική επίσκεψη, 35 μέρες μετά το χειρουργείο, η ασθενής είχε αναρρώσει πλήρως αποκαθιστώντας την ανατομία των εξωτερικών γεννητικών της οργάνων ,την αισθητική εμφάνιση του περινέου καθώς επίσης τους κολπικούς μυς και την αρχούμενη ακράτεια.


Case 16

In the context of social outreach and briefing on problems affecting women, the following case was considered to our clinic, a 28-year-old woman for clinical examination. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy and asymmetry of the Labia Minora lips was revealed. The area was subjected to a reduction procedure to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit, 20 days after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 17

This case refers to a female patient, 41 years old, who presented in our clinic for assessment at March of 2020. Her major complain was the appearance external genitalia for which she was dissatisfied. She felt she was judged about her genital appearance by her partner and she felt that they were «huge». Clinical examination revealed labial hypertrophy and she was scheduled for Labiaplasty. At the first follow-up visit, 35 days post-surgery, the patient claimed she was fully satisfied with the result, while clinically the genital anatomy was restored.


Case 18

In the context of the social offer and information about the problems that concern women, we accepted in our clinic the following incident, a 34-year-old woman, for a clinical examination. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy and asymmetry of the labia minora were found. He underwent minor lip reduction surgery to restore the area. At the first postoperative visit, 20 days after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 19

In the context of social outreach and briefing on problems affecting women, the following case was considered to our clinic, a 28-year-old woman for clinical examination. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy and asymmetry of the Labia Minora lips was revealed. The area was subjected to a reduction procedure to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit, 20 days after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 20

In May 2020 a 16 years old clinical client referred to our clinic for clinical examination. After the necessary clinical examination, asymmetry of the Labia Minora and malformation of the clitoris were revealed.  The Labia Minora were subjected to a reduction procedure and we carry out a clitoral hoodectomy to restore the vaginal area. On the first postoperative visit, 30 days after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 21

Here we present a case of a 29 years old female patient who presented to our clinic for assessment. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, one-month post-surgery, the patient was in good health reporting great satisfaction in the overall aesthetic result obtained.


Case 22

In May 2020 a 20 year old clinical client referred to our clinic for clinical examination. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, one month post-surgery, the patient was in good health reporting great satisfaction in the overall aesthetic result obtained.


Cse 23

In May 2020 a 24 years old clinical client referred to our clinic for clinical examination. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora and were subjected to a reduction procedure. On the first postoperative visit, 30 days after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 24

A 28 year old patient presented to our clinic for assessment. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, 30 days post-surgery, the patient was in good health reporting great satisfaction in the overall aesthetic result obtained.


Case 25

In May 2020 a 57 year old clinical client referred to our clinic for clinical examination. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed. We carried out corrective Labiaplasty to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit, 20 days after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 26

This case refers to a female patient, 23 years old, who presented in our clinic in May of 2020 for assessment. Her major complain was the appearance external genitalia for which she was dissatisfied. Clinical examination revealed labial hypertrophy and she was scheduled for Labiaplasty. At the first follow-up visit, 20 days post-surgery, the patient claimed she was fully satisfied with the result, while clinically the genital anatomy was restored.


Case 27

Here we present a case of a 21 year old female patient who presented to our clinic in February of 2020 for assessment. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, 5 months post-surgery, the patient claimed she was fully satisfied with the result, while clinically the genital anatomy was restored.


Case 28

In October 2020 a 43 year old clinical client referred to our clinic for clinical examination. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy and asymmetry of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, 25 days after the surgery, the patient was in good health reporting great satisfaction in the overall aesthetic result obtained.


Case 29

In December 2020, a 19 year old clinical client referred to our clinic for clinical examination. It revealed hypertrophy and asymmetry of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, 30 days after the surgery, the patient was in good health reporting great satisfaction in the overall aesthetic result obtained.


Case 30

This case refers to a female patient, 27 years old, who presented in our clinic for assessment in December of 2020. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, 40 days post-surgery, the patient claimed she was fully satisfied with the result, while clinically the genital anatomy was restored.


Case 31

Dimitra S., 52 years old, presented in our clinic for assessment in December of 2020. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy and asymmetry of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, 40 days post-surgery, the patient claimed she was fully satisfied with the result, while clinically the genital anatomy was restored.


Case 32

Anna M., 23 years old, presented in our clinic for assessment in January of 2020 for clinical examination. It revealed hypertrophy and asymmetry of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, 1 month post-surgery, the patient claimed she was fully satisfied with the result, while clinically the genital anatomy was restored.


Case 33

Penelope G., 29 years old, presented in our clinic for assessment in January of 2020. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy and asymmetry of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, 1 month post-surgery, the patient claimed she was fully satisfied with the result, while clinically the genital anatomy was restored.


Case 34

This case refers to a female patient, 25 years old, who presented in our clinic for assessment in February of 2021. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, 1 month post-surgery, the patient claimed she was fully satisfied with the result, while clinically the genital anatomy was restored.


Case 35

Maria K., 34 years old, presented in our clinic for assessment in February of 2021. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy and asymmetry of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. The first postoperative examination was completed after 30 days and the patient’s condition was excellent.


Case 36

Konstantina D., 33 years old, presented in our clinic for assessment in February of 2021 reporting discomfort in the genital area during exercise. After clinical examination we were able to identify the cause of the soreness as hypertrophy of the Labia Minora. She was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, 45 days after surgery, the patient claimed she was fully satisfied with the result, while clinically the genital anatomy was restored.


Case 37

Eleni S. presented to our clinic in February of 2021 with noticeable hypertrophy of the Labia Minora. After the necessary clinical examination, she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. On the first postoperative visit, 2 months after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 38

In March of 2021, Christina K. presented to our clinic. A 51 year old patient who was facing functional as well as sexual problems in her everyday life due to the pain. Clinical examination revealed hypertorphy of Labia Minora and the patient was surgically treated with Labiaplasty to restore the anatomy of the genital area. 1 month later, on the first postoperative visit, the anatomy had been fully restored and the aesthetic as well as the fuctional result was exquisite according to the patient.


Case 39

In March of 2021, Maria P., a 29-year-old patient, contacted Dr. Naoum seeking a solution to the problems she was facing in regards to the genital area, such as pain, dryness and looseness. After the clinical examination, hypertrophy of Labia Minora was prominent, along with excess laxity of the vaginal wall. The patient was surgically treated with Labiaplasty as well as Vaginoplasty. During the first postoperative visit, 1 month after the surgery, the patient had recovered completely and the anatomy of the genital area had been successfully restored.


Case 40

In March of 2021 we welcomed Efi M. to our clinic. After many years of pain and discomfort, this 26 year old patient decided to take the big step and contact us, seeking a solution to her problem, since, as she described, she had been facing this issue even through her pubescent years. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the Labia Minora and the patient was surgically handled with Labiaplasty in order to treat the deformity of the genital area. 30 days after the surgery, in the first postoperative visit, the anatomy of the area had been restored and the patient had fully recovered.


Case 41

In April of 2021, Martha K. (29 years old)  presented to our clinic, concerned about the image as well as the anatomy of her genital area. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the Labia Minora and the patient was surgically handled with Labiaplasty in order to treat the deformity of the genital area. 1 month after the surgery, in the first postoperative visit, the anatomy of the area had been fully restored and the patient was completely satisfied with the result.


Case 42

Aggeliki P., a 31 year old patient, presented to our clinic in April of 2021 with noticeable hypertrophy of the Labia Minora. After the necessary clinical examination, she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 43

In April of 2021, Ioanna K. presented to our clinic. A 22 year old patient who was facing functional problems in her everyday life due to the pain in her gennital area. Clinical examination revealed hypertorphy of Labia Minora and the patient was surgically treated with Labiaplasty to restore the anatomy of the genital area. 40 days later, on the first postoperative visit, the anatomy had been fully restored and the aesthetic as well as the fuctional result was exquisite according to the patient.


Case 44

In April 2021 a 26 year old clinical client referred to our clinic for clinical examination. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed. The patient was subjected to a reduction procedure to restore the genital area. On the first postoperative visit, 45 days after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 45

In May 2021 a 33 year old clinical client referred to our clinic for clinical examination. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed. The patient was subjected to a reduction procedure to restore the genital area. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 46

In June 2021 a 26 year old clinical client referred to our clinic for clinical examination. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, one month post-surgery, the patient was in good health reporting great satisfaction in the overall aesthetic result obtained.


Case 47

Danae P., an 18 year old patient, presented to our clinic in June of 2021 with noticeable hypertrophy of the Labia Minora. After the necessary clinical examination, she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 48

In June 2021 a 38 year old clinical client referred to our clinic for clinical examination. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed. The patient was subjected to a reduction procedure to restore the genital area. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month days after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 49

Eleni K., 35 years old, presented in our clinic for assessment in June of 2021. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy and asymmetry of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. The first postoperative examination was completed after 30 days and the patient’s condition was excellent.


Case 50

In August 2021, a 41 year old clinical client referred to our clinic for clinical examination. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy and asymmetry of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, 30 days after the surgery, the patient was in good health reporting great satisfaction in the overall aesthetic result obtained.


Case 51

In August 2021, a 28 year old clinical client referred to our clinic for clinical examination. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed. We carried out corrective Labiaplasty to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit, 20 days after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 52

Stella K., a 27 year old patient, presented to our clinic in July of 2021 with noticeable hypertrophy of the Labia Minora. After the necessary clinical examination, she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 53

This case refers to an 18 year old patient, who presented in our clinic for assessment in September of 2021. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, 40 days post-surgery, the patient claimed she was fully satisfied with the result, while clinically the genital anatomy was restored.


Case 54

In August of 2021, Anna Maria M., a 35 year old patient, visited our clinic for the first time after having gone through an unsuccessful labiaplasty which greatly affected her confidence and consequently her sexual life. After the necessary clinical examination, corrective labiaplasty was carried out to restore the anatomy of the genital area.

On the first postoperative visit, one month after the procedure, the anatomy had been completely restored and the patient was fully satisfied with the result.


Case 55

Suzan S., permanent resident of the United Kingdom, visited our clinic in August of 2021 during her summer vacation in Greece. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed. We carried out corrective Labiaplasty to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit, 25 days after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 56

Dimitra S., 52 years old, presented in our clinic for assessment in December of 2020. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy and asymmetry of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, 40 days post-surgery, the patient claimed she was fully satisfied with the result, while clinically the genital anatomy was restored.


Case 57

This 18 year old patient came to our clinic for examination in August of 2021. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the labia minora and the patient was treated with labiaplasty. On the first postoperative visit 40 days after the surgery, the patient was fully healed and the anatomy of her external genital area had been restored.


Case 58

In October of 2021, this 57 year old patient visited our clinic. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the Labia Minora and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 59

Eleni K., 25 years old, came to our clinic in October of 2021. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed. We carried out Labiaplasty to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 60

Eleftheria K., 54 years old, came to our clinic in September of 2021. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the anatomy of the genital area. On the first postoperative visit, 40 days after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 61

This 20 year old patient came to our clinic in September of 2021. After the clinical examination, as well as a consultation with the patient about the desired aesthetic result, we proceeded with Revision Labiaplasty at our clinic.


Case 62

Maria P., 37 years old, came to our clinic in October of 2021. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the anatomy of the genital area. On the first postoperative visit, 30 days after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 63

Georgia S., 19 years old, came to our clinic in October of 2021. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed. We carried out Labiaplasty to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 64

This 32 year old patient presented in our clinic in November of 2021, troubled by the distinctiveness of her external genitalia, due to the fact is was causing her immense pain during exercise and other daily activities. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed. We carried out Labiaplasty to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored..


Case 65

Alexia P., 36 years old, visited our clinic in September of 2021. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the Labia Minora and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 66

Lia K., 35 years old, came to our clinic in October of 2021. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the anatomy of the genital area. On the first postoperative visit, 40 days after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 67

During her stay in Greece, Christine L. visited our clinic in Athens.. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the Labia Minora and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the area. 40 days after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 68

Sofia P., 38 years old, came to our clinic in December of 2021. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the anatomy of the genital area. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 69

Dora L., 34 years old, came to our clinic in January of 2022. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the anatomy of the genital area. On the first postoperative visit, 30 days after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 70

In December of 2022, this 26 year old patient visited our clinic. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the Labia Minora and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit, 30 days after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 71

In January of 2022, this 28 year old patient visited our clinic. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the Labia Minora and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit, 30 days after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 72

In December of 2021, this 37 year old patient visited our clinic. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the Labia Minora and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 73

Eleni K., 50 years old, came to our clinic in December of 2021. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the anatomy of the genital area. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 74

Marina K., 35 years old, came to our clinic in December of 2021. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the anatomy of the genital area. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 75

In February of 2022, Maria S. (19 years old) visited our clinic. Concerned about the image as well as the anatomy of her genital area and after research she contacted Dr. Naoum looking for a solution to her problem. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the Labia Minora and the patient was surgically handled with Labiaplasty in order to treat the deformity of the genital area. 1 month after the surgery, in the first postoperative visit, the anatomy of the area had been fully restored and the patient was completely satisfied with the result.


Case 76

In June of 2021 we met up with this patient in our clinic. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, one month post-surgery, the patient was in good health reporting great satisfaction in the overall aesthetic result obtained.


Case 77

Helga G., resident of Germany, visited our clinic in January of 2022 during her 10-day stay in Greece. This 45 year old patient was facing functional problems in her everyday life due to the pain in her genital area. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora and the patient was surgically treated with Labiaplasty to restore the anatomy of the genital area. 40 days later, the anatomy had been fully restored and the aesthetic as well as the functional result was exquisite according to the patient.


Case 78

This case refers to a 35 year old patient, who presented in our clinic for assessment in February of 2022. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, 40 days post-surgery, the patient claimed she was fully satisfied with the result, while clinically the genital anatomy was restored.


Case 79

In March of 2022, this 44 year old patient visited our clinic. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the Labia Minora and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit, 30 days after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 80

Blair D., resident of the United Kingdom, visited our clinic in March 2022 during her stay in Greece. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, 40 days post-surgery, the patient claimed she was fully satisfied with the result, while clinically the genital anatomy was restored.


Case 81

Dimitra P., 24 years old, came to our clinic in April of 2022. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the anatomy of the genital area. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 82

Eleni K., 36 years old, visited our clinic in April of 2022. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the Labia Minora and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit, 30 days after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 83

Georgia., 33 years old, came to our clinic in March of 2022. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the anatomy of the genital area. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 84

This case refers to a 42 year old patient, who presented in our clinic for assessment in February of 2022. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, 40 days post-surgery, the patient claimed she was fully satisfied with the result, while clinically the genital anatomy was restored.


Case 85

Efi P., 38 years old, contacted our clinic in April of 2022, concerned about the functional as well as the sexual problems she was facing in her everyday life due to the anatomy of her genital area.  Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora and the patient was surgically treated with Labiaplasty to restore the anatomy of the genital area. 1 month later, on the first postoperative visit, the anatomy had been fully restored and the aesthetic as well as the functional result was exquisite according to the patient.


Case 86

In May of 2022, this 18 year old patient visited our clinic. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the Labia Minora and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 87

Hara P., 33 years old, came to our clinic in May of 2022. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the anatomy of the genital area. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 88

Nadia P., 28 years old, came to our clinic in June of 2022. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the anatomy of the genital area. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 89

This case refers to a 35 year old patient, who presented in our clinic for assessment in June of 2022. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, 40 days post-surgery, the patient claimed she was fully satisfied with the result, while clinically the genital anatomy was restored.


Case 90

This case refers to a 44 year old patient, who presented in our clinic for assessment in June of 2022. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, 1 month post-surgery, the patient claimed she was fully satisfied with the result, while clinically the genital anatomy was restored.


Case 91

In July of 2022, Anastasia P. (18 years old)  presented to our clinic, concerned about the image as well as the anatomy of her genital area. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the Labia Minora and the patient was surgically handled with Labiaplasty in order to treat the deformity of the genital area. 1 month after the surgery, in the first postoperative visit, the anatomy of the area had been fully restored and the patient was completely satisfied with the result.


Case 92

This 39 year old patient presented in our clinic in July of 2022, troubled by the distinctiveness of her external genitalia. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed. We carried out Labiaplasty to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 93

Marina K., 38 years old, came to our clinic in July of 2022. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the anatomy of the genital area. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 94

In July of 2022, Roula P., a 64 year-old patient, visited our clinic troubled by the appearance of her genital area as well as the pain she had to go through every day during physical exercise. Hypertrophy of Labia Minora was revealed and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, 45 days post-surgery, the patient was in good health reporting great satisfaction in the overall aesthetic result obtained.


Case 95

This 19 year old patient presented to our clinic in July of 2022. During the clinical examination, hypertrophy of Labia Minora was detected, an issue that was causing serious functional problems in her every day life. After the Labiaplasty procedure was scheduled and completed, the patient visited our clinic for the first postoperative check 40 days later and she had fully recovered. The patient was satisfied with the result.


Case 96

In July of 2022, Christina S. (67 years old) visited our clinic. Concerned about the anatomy of her genital area she contacted Dr. Naoum looking for a solution to her problem. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the Labia Minora and the patient was surgically handled with Labiaplasty in order to restore the anatomy of the genital area. 1 month after the surgery, in the first postoperative visit, the anatomy of the area had been fully restored and the patient was completely satisfied with the result.


Case 97

This 36 year old patient presented in our clinic in September of 2022, troubled by the distinctiveness of her external genitalia. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed. We carried out Labiaplasty to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 98

Panagiota P., 47 years old, contacted our clinic in July of 2022. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora and the patient was surgically treated with Labiaplasty to restore the anatomy of the genital area. 1 month later, on the first postoperative visit, the anatomy had been fully restored and the aesthetic as well as the functional result was exquisite according to the patient.


Case 99

Katerina L., a 34 year old patient, visited our clinic in September of 2022 after having gone through an unsuccessful labiaplasty. After the necessary clinical examination, corrective labiaplasty was carried out to restore the anatomy of the genital area. On the first postoperative visit, 30 days after the procedure, the anatomy had been completely restored and the patient was fully satisfied with the result.


Case 100

In September of 2022, Xenia O. (27 years old) visited our clinic. She contacted Dr Naoum in search for a solution to the aesthetic as well as functional problems she was dealing with concerning her genital area. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the Labia Minora and the patient was surgically handled with Labiaplasty in order to restore the anatomy of the genital area. 1 month after the surgery, in the first postoperative visit, the anatomy of the area had been fully restored and the patient was completely satisfied with the result.


Case 101

In October 2022, a 31 year old clinical client referred to our clinic for clinical examination. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, one month post-surgery, the patient was in good health reporting great satisfaction in the overall aesthetic result obtained.


Case 102

In September 2022, the following client referred to our clinic for clinical examination. We carried out corrective Labiaplasty as well as Perineoplasty to restore genital area. On the first postoperative visit, 30 days after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 103

This 39 year old patient presented to our clinic in November of 2022. During the clinical examination, hypertrophy of Labia Minora was detected, an issue that was causing serious functional problems in her every day life. After the Labiaplasty procedure was scheduled and completed, the patient visited our clinic for the first postoperative check 40 days later and she had fully recovered. The patient was satisfied with the result.


Case 104

This 36 year old patient presented in our clinic in September of 2022, troubled by the distinctiveness of her external genitalia. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed. We carried out Labiaplasty to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 105

This 43 year old patient presented in our clinic in November of 2022. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed. We carried out Labiaplasty to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 106

In October of 2022, Athanasia M. (27 years old)  presented to our clinic, concerned about the image as well as the anatomy of her genital area. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the Labia Minora and the patient was surgically handled with Labiaplasty in order to treat the deformity of the genital area. 1 month after the surgery, in the first postoperative visit, the anatomy of the area had been fully restored and the patient was completely satisfied with the result.


Case 107

Lauren H., resident of England, visited our clinic in December of 2022. This 37 year old patient was facing functional problems in her everyday life due to the pain in her genital area. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora and the patient was surgically treated with Labiaplasty to restore the anatomy of the genital area. 40 days later, the anatomy had been fully restored and the aesthetic as well as the functional result was exquisite according to the patient.


Case 108

In December of 2022 the following case presented to our clinic. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy and asymmetry of the Labia Minora lips was revealed. The area was subjected to a reduction procedure to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit, 20 days after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 109

In December of 2022, Aggeliki K., visited our clinic after having gone through a series of unsuccessful labiaplasty procedures which greatly affected her confidence. After the necessary clinical examination, corrective labiaplasty was carried out to restore the anatomy of the genital area. On the first postoperative visit, one month after the procedure, the anatomy had been completely restored and the patient was fully satisfied with the result.


Case 110

In January 2023 a 45 year old clinical client referred to our clinic for clinical examination. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed. The patient was subjected to a reduction procedure to restore the genital area. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 111

In February 2023, a 22 year old clinical client referred to our clinic for clinical examination. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy and asymmetry of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, 30 days after the surgery, the patient was in good health reporting great satisfaction in the overall aesthetic result obtained.


Case 112

Georgia K., 34 years old, came to our clinic in July of 2022. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the anatomy of the genital area. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 113

Dimitra P., a 46 year-old patient living in Cyprus referred to our clinic troubled by the image of her genital area. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, one month post-surgery, the patient was in good health reporting great satisfaction in the overall aesthetic result obtained.


Case 114

In April of 2023, Katerina S., 30 years old, visited our clinic. After having serious concerns about the image as well as the anatomy of her genital area, she contacted Dr. Naoum looking for a solution to her problem. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the Labia Minora and the patient was surgically handled with Labiaplasty in order to treat the deformity of the genital area. 1 month after the surgery, in the first postoperative visit, the anatomy of the area had been fully restored and the patient was completely satisfied with the result.


Case 115

Nefeli S., a 27 year old patient, presented to our clinic in April of 2023 with noticeable hypertrophy of the Labia Minora. After the necessary clinical examination, she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 116

Myrto S., 26 years old, came to our clinic in April of 2023. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed. We carried out Labiaplasty to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 117

This case refers to a 33 year old patient, who presented in our clinic for assessment in April of 2023. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, 40 days post-surgery, the patient claimed she was fully satisfied with the result, while clinically the genital anatomy was restored.


Case 118

Vasia K., a 43 year old patient, presented to our clinic in March of 2023 with noticeable hypertrophy of the Labia Minora. After the necessary clinical examination, she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month after surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been restored.


Case 119

This 30 year old patient came to our clinic concerned about the image of her genital area. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the labia minora and the patient was treated with labiaplasty. On the first postoperative visit 1 month after the surgery, the patient was fully healed and the anatomy of her external genital area had been restored.


Case 120

In September of 2023, this 26 year old patient visited our clinic. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the Labia Minora and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 121

In July of 2023, this 25 year old patient visited our clinic. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the Labia Minora and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 122

Despina K., 35 years old, came to our clinic in March of 2023. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the anatomy of the genital area. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 123

Konstantina X. came to our clinic in June of 2023. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the anatomy of the genital area. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 124

Alexandra P. came to our clinic in March of 2023. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the anatomy of the genital area. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 125

In October of 2023, a 19 year old clinical client referred to our clinic for clinical examination. It revealed hypertrophy and asymmetry of Labia Minora and she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, 30 days after the surgery, the patient was in good health reporting great satisfaction in the overall aesthetic result obtained.


Case 126

In December of 2023, we had our initial consultation with the following patient. After the clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of Labia Minora, she was surgically handled with Labiaplasty to restore the genital anatomy. At the first follow-up visit, 1 month post-surgery, the patient claimed she was fully satisfied with the result, while clinically the genital anatomy was restored.


Case 127

In October of 2023 we had a consultation with Iro P, a 23 year old patient, with visible signs of Labia Minora hypertrophy. After the clinical examination, we proceeded with labiaplasty to restore the genital area. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 128

Maria M., 32 years old, came to our clinic in February of 2024. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the anatomy of the genital area. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 129

Georgia, 30 years old, came to our clinic in December of 2023. After the necessary clinical examination, hypertrophy of the Labia Minora was revealed and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the anatomy of the genital area. On the first postoperative visit, 1 month after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 130

In April 2024, our clinic handled the case of this 21-year-old female patient. During the clinical examination, hypertrophy of the labia minora was identified, causing significant functional issues in her daily life. After the surgery for labiaplasty was scheduled and successfully completed, the patient returned for her first postoperative check-up 40 days later, having fully recovered. The result of the reduction procedure was entirely satisfactory.


Case 131

We welcomed the following patient, a 27-year-old woman, to our clinic in June 2024. During the clinical examination, hypertrophy of the labia minora was detected, causing significant functional problems in the patient’s daily life. After the surgery for labiaplasty was scheduled and successfully completed, the patient returned to our clinic for her first postoperative check-up 40 days later, having fully recovered. The outcome of the reduction surgery was satisfactory.


Case 132

In July of 2024, this 20 year old patient visited our clinic. Clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the Labia Minora and the patient was treated with Labiaplasty to restore the area. On the first postoperative visit, 30 days after the surgery, the patient had fully recovered and the anatomy of her external genitalia had been fully restored.


Case 133

In December 2024, we welcomed Christina M. to our clinic, a 34-year-old patient experiencing functional and sexual difficulties in her daily life due to pain in the genital area. A clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the labia minora, and she underwent labiaplasty to restore the area. One month later, during the first postoperative evaluation, the anatomy of the area had been fully restored, with an excellent aesthetic and functional outcome, according to the patient’s own statement.


Case 134

In April 2024, we welcomed Marina V. to our clinic, a 37-year-old patient experiencing functional problems in her daily life due to pain. A clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the labia minora, and she underwent labiaplasty to restore the genital area. During the first postoperative evaluation, the anatomy of the area had been fully restored, with an excellent aesthetic and functional outcome, according to the patient’s own statement.


Case 135

In January of 2024, we welcomed the following case to our clinic. The patient was troubled by the appearance of her genital area. A clinical examination revealed hypertrophy of the labia minora, looseness of skin on the labia majora as well as severe lipodystrophy in the pubic area. She underwent labiaplasty and to restore the genital area. During the first postoperative evaluation, the anatomy of the area had been fully restored, with an excellent aesthetic and functional outcome, according to the patient’s own statement.