The quality of sexual life is a frequent concern for many women today. How much can science contribute to improving it? We talked with Dr. Nikos Naoum a surgeon gynecologist, specialized in cosmetic gynecology, on the most advanced and innovative medical treatments available that can help women to make their sexual life better.
Dr Naoum, are there any reconstructive procedures that can positively affect the appearance and sexual mood of women?
Yes, we can choose some non-surgical therapies to upgrade the appearance in the intimate area such as the autologous PRP. It is performed by using factors taken from the woman’s own body (such as stem cell-enriched blood plasma) and it is applied for several years in medical aesthetics in facial or body treatments. The same principle can also, be used in the genital area, for rejuvenation, tightening and even correction of aesthetic problems. This treatment can restore small malformations and asymmetries of the area and no surgery is required.
What other treatment is particularly popular?
Another popular treatment is called Intima Plasma. It is one of the most innovative methods for Reconstructive Aesthetic Gynecology and significantly improves the quality of the intimate area. It is a completely safe treatment offering hydration and reconstruction options for labia minora and labia majora. Like every other part of the body, this area is subject to the aging process. Women can notice changes after childbirth or during menopause. The Intima Plasma system ensures through the regeneration of collagen, rejuvenation, and remodeling of the area.
Can you please describe us the procedure?
Intima Plasma creates a small bow that resembles to a small lightning. By touching the skin it makes the fluids of the surface tissue to evaporate without penetrating within the tissue, thanks to the heat caused by the small “lightning”. Thus, the rubber fibers of the skin become shorter and thicker offering a “Lifting” effect. It is a completely painless as a local anesthesia is applied to the area beforehand and the results are permanent. It is suitable for all ages, the procedure last for 20 minutes and the final results can be seen after 3 sessions with a monthly frequence.
What about women who are not easily stimulated during sexual intercourse?
The ideal procedure is called Vagi Shot, an innovative, non-surgical medical therapeutic protocol that increases sexual stimulation and revitalizes the vagina. The experienced gynecologist uses the combination of hyaluronic acid and Laser CO2 (dioxide) in a medical protocol to improve the region’s response.
Can you tell us more about this protocol?
The first stage is performed by injecting hyaluronic acid specially manufactured for use in the intimate area, in order to tighten the entrance to the vagina. In addition, it aims to stimulate the vaginal and clitoral rejuvenation and the reactivation of the female orgasm system. The second stage includes the application of the microfractional laser CO2 that targets the vaginal walls and regenerates collagen fibers in vaginal tissues. After the treatment is completed, the patient can enjoy and better sexual stimulation in the area.
There is a large number of women who have difficulty reaching orgasm. Do you have any solution for this?
There is a targeted solution to this problem: O-Shot (Orgasm Shot) is a simple and safe treatment to improve the sensation of a particular spot of the vagina and enhance sexual irritation. It also helps to increase satisfaction in women who have difficulty culminating or reach orgasm. It is performed by filling a certain area with hyaluronic acid, especially manufactured for use in that area. The injection process is done with local anesthesia and the whole process takes less than 30 minutes.
Women after treatment report stronger and more frequent orgasms, increased natural lubrication and greater excitation, regardless of age.
How can a woman receive more detailed update on these treatments and decide what is the right for that treatment?
In our clinic, we provide a free 30 minute consultation session with our experts team. During our discussion, every woman can express her concerns and her expectations on her sexual life and anything that concerns her for her intimate area.